回一下關於CHEVERNY II-XLR的問題,之前社長提到,
real cable把平衡結構的CHEVERNY II分在audio分類中,
http://www.real-cable.com/our-products/ ... r-199.htmlhttp://www.real-cable.com/our-products/ ... u-201.html從分類上來看,不管是同軸(S/Pdif)還是XLR(AES/EBU)數位線,都是被分在Audio的大分類底下,
其他大分類都是跟audio比較無關的產品(usb線 網路線)或是比較給家用電子使用的產品(iPlug/數位天線).
所以既然real cable把CHEVERNY II-EBU明確放在AES/EBU cable底下,我傾向於認為確實是不同的
內部結構,只是可能設計思路是跟CHEVERNY II系列一樣.
從說明文字上來看,CHEVERNY II-EBU的簡短說明中也很明確的指出是設計給audio digital link使用.
Recommended for symmetric audio digital links for high quality devices (sources, processors, converters).
An anitvibration nylon braiding and a high density braiding of the mass provide a very good isolation of the transported signal. Solid ClickLock® plugs for a perfect holding throughout the time. Everyhting is gathered in order to offer an excellent symmetric audio digital link.
而CHEVERNY II-XLR則是只改了audio stereo links就放上來.
Recommended for symmetrical audio stereo links between amplifiers, preamplifiers, CD/SACD players, etc.
An anitvibration nylon braiding and a high density braiding of the mass provide a very good isolation of the transported signal. Solid ClickLock plugs for a perfect holding throughout the time. Everyhting is gathered in order to offer an excellent symmetric audio stereo link.
所以我想應該真的是不同的設計,只是想法/技術是同源的系列.畢竟AES/EBU是pro audio的標準數位傳輸介面,real cable
我這邊要換其實很簡單,反而是原生同軸輸出還比較少見,因為我都是用pro audio的